Re: time for a flamewar, or ... what about grdb

On 09 Feb 2001 20:34:20 -0500, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
> [
>   This has nothing to do with my opinion of grdb.  I think that in
>   principle grdb is a program we need to have due to the nature of X. 
> ]
> > Now, if I run applications around a network, I get random settings (usual 
> > default), rather than the applications getting their customizations from 
> > the X server.
> > 
> I would say that:
>       * Remote applications are barely the rule these days.

But, things such as consolehelper which cause multiple users to have
applications running on your display, with mismatched themes etc.

So this is still a reality and a problem.

"The people who made the Macintosh produced a miracle, but that
 doesn't mean their code was wonderful." -- Bob Cringely

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