Re: The state of our web site and standards

> > We still fon't have a link to the Foundation pages on the top Gnome pages.

  Okay I think you can consider this a Board of Director request,
we need this link, please.

> > A lot of the content on the developper site will actually be generated
> > though XSLT from docbook, the PhP trick will not work for it (we will
> > use xsl:output="html" and the html struture from the stylesheet).
> This is something that has been troubling me a bit, too. All of the
> generated documentation (there is - and should be - *lots*) will fall
> outside of the scriptable templatey stuff that we have been talking about on
> gnome-web-list.

  APIs and most of the documentation associated to the code will
be generated from docbook using XSLT stylesheet. Consider this will be static
HTML, not dynamically generated upon HTTP requests. Please don't
try to have them generated on-the-fly, this is more or less okay for
the user on the desktop but will scare web users I'm afraid.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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