Re: The state of our web site and standards

<quote who="Daniel Veillard">

> I would far prefer a simpler design of our web site, keeping valid
> HTML in CVS so that anybody can fix/commit it without having to go
> though special tricks.


If the header and footer (and other "templated" areas of the page) are valid
html, and the author of a particular page is kind enough to also use valid
html, then you have a highly maintainable and *hard to bugger up* system.

If every page were generated or - even worse - just straight html in CVS,
we'd be "up shit creek without a paddle" in no time.

The aim is to make the website *more* maintainable and accessible than the
current one, not less. Us poor suckers working on the website will thank you
for not making our lives harder. :)

[ And future Gnome websites will kick arse. ]

- Jeff

-- jdub aphid net --------------------------------- --

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