Re: Bugzilla summary

Daniel Veillard <Daniel Veillard w3 org> writes:

>   I have a question but I don't know if it pertains to 7) or 8).
> What I most use for is that, as maintainer of gnome-xml,
> I bookmarked the associated page 
>   ( for this specific module)
> and visit it on a regular basis to check for new problems reported.
> Then of course I follow the links to the individual tickets...

Hi Daniel,

with Bugzilla you have a query form where you can query for all bugs in a
package etc. - after submitting such a query, you'll get a listing of all
such bugs.

For instance, you follow this "Query existing bug reports" link on the
main page to get to

In this query form, you select your package under "Program" and maybe add
"UNCONFIRMED" to the Status and then click "Submit query".

This'll bring you to the bug list of your package. You can, if you want,
bookmark the URL of that page, it'll look like this:

If you click "Long Format" you get one long page with all outstanding bugs
(and I can tell you, I missed such a feature in debbugs, it's sooo useful if
you can print all your bugs out and have the printed copy laying in front of
you when you try to fix stuff ...)

> I could not find the equivalent on the current bugzilla setup, and I'm
> wondering if it's due to not having the full configuration up yet or
> as 7) may suggest I need to make a specific  action to get gnome-xml
> module listed from the big bugzilla top form.

Well, of course we can write a short CGI script which does such a query so
that you can for instance use

> I'm also wondering if the existing interface is gonna die
> in the process or if both will work on the same bug database.

My plan was to set readonly after importing all its bugs into
Bugzilla and having the email gateway in place, but to keep it running for
some time (for instance, three months or even half a year).

But basically, we won't need anymore after the migration so
we can also shut it down immediately if we want. All old bugs will be in
Bugzilla this time, so there's really no need to keep it anymore.

Martin Baulig
martin gnome org (private)
baulig suse de (work)

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