Re: Build sheriff proposal ...

Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller wrote:
Might I suggest that a similar policy is adopted for the SPEC files in
CVS for all GNOME modules. If the SPEC don't include some files it
should anyone with the needed skills are allowed to add them without
sending a patch to mailing-lists etc. Chris Chabot is doing some great
work updating the SPEC's to work with GNOME 2.0 now, so it would be a
shame if they became unworkable again because the maintainer of module X
didn't use RPMS and due to that didn't bother to keep it up to date with
That would be a very nice way to solve the situation.

I am done with my work for the spec files, as i got them all done, polished up and shiney waiting for adoption.
(hint: if anyone wants to preempt this policicy, send me an email for 
which module you need a new spec).
Also, if anyone could set me up with a CVS account so i can commit the 
desired fixes (read: where the maintainer allows changes to the .spec 
files) that would help out a lot.
If required, you can also add me as maintainer for the packaging 
subcomponent for your module.
Hope we get this done before gnome2 final ;-)

	-- Chris

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