Re: libxml2 in gnome 1.4

On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 03:56:05AM -0500, Daniel Veillard wrote:
> > On Fri, Mar 16, 2001 at 02:57:30PM -0500, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
> > >    I know it is too late for including libxml2 in gnome 1.4, but maybe
> > > the distributors could fix this problem.
>   This is just an heads-up but basically the best way to solve the
> problen is unfortunately to fix libxml1 parser to at least deal correctly
> with UTF8 and ISO-Latin-1 encodings.
>   I have spent yesterday and will probably spend some time today pluging
> in the 2.3.5 (or what will be it's not released yet) core XML parser in
> the libxml1 framework. No changes API wise. The only changes will be
> backward binary compatible extensions of some of the parser structures
> and the number of parser states.
>   Once it passes my regression tests I will commit this to gnome-xml
> libxml 1 branch head (tag LIB_XML_1_BRANCH), and after checking that

  Done, I tested commited the parser upgrade. It is in the 
gnome-xml LIB_XML_1_BRANCH head.

  This version of the XML parser will accept UTF8 and ISO-Latin-1
documents only, it will generate only UTF8 output.

  I have put tar and RPMs for people to test the binary compatibility
and that it doesn't break things at:

  I was able to relaunch my desktop after the upgrade, galeon included,
so I'm awaiting reports (please include at least stack traces and if this
looks hard, grab me on #gnome IRC). If by Friday I don't get a showstopper
I will release 1.8.12 officially.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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