Re: gnome-terminal delete/backspace mess

<quote who="Miguel de Icaza">

> This is not only horrible hack, it is a recipe for disasster and
> broken at so many levels.  

I feel that these are incredibly advanced preferences, and believed that
they should be removed similarly to Havoc. On seeing such vocal support for
them, perhaps an additional advanced terminal behaviour tab should be added,
to remove this complexity from the "General" tab.

On whether or not these settings should be preferences at all (it seems odd,
given that you'd only need them on a connection-by-connection basis),
perhaps they should be command line option *only* settings. The advanced
users that would need such functionality could find it in the manpages,
documentation and --help information, and it would not bug users one iota.

- Jeff

                    Mangoes are nature's edible orgasm.                     

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