Re: OO as GNOME software (topic change)

On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 09:45:05PM -0800, Bart Decrem wrote:
> Hi Sam,
> I actually did a non-scientific test on this a few months ago.  I randomly went
> through my files and took 10 Word documents and 10 Excel documents and opened them
> up in StarOffice and then in AbiWord and Gnumeric, respectively.  Here's what
> happened:

First, my contention was based mostly on the fact that there are Word
documents that crash SO, but don't crash wv (our word importer
library).  Second, AbiWord has made huge advances in the last few
months, and comparisons that long ago are likely to be out of date.
For example, a few months ago, you wouldn't even have seen lists in
AbiWord.  Finally, wv imports more than we take advantage of (such as

That said, however, if you have these documents lying around, we would
love to have them.  Just let me know what I need to do.  
> I do apologize to the Dom, Jody and the other AbiWord and Gnumeric contributors for
> not explaining the problems in more detail, and for not filing bug reports for the
> problems I experienced.  I didn't have a lot of time when I did this exercice and
> wasn't trying to do a scientific comparison, just wanted to check my instincts.
> But I did keep the files I used for this exercice, and would be happy to send them
> to or post them online (I'm not sure if any of these documents have confidential
> information in them).

	sam th		     
	sam uchicago edu
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