Re: assorted gnome-core patches

Tomas Ogren <stric ing umu se> writes: 
>      killall - kill all active processes

All active processes with the given name, i.e. oafd process group.

> No thanks. No.

*shrug* the alternative is current GNOME which creates an infinite
number of oafd and leaked bonobo servers on public workstations.  I
think it should be fixed upstream, but hey, we also have a local patch
if people are too embarassed by the hack.

Personally I think the hack should go in until someone fixes the
oafd/bonobo problems. (oafd should exit when unused, and Bonobo should
have a lease-like system or something as Darin has proposed, or
something - some solution. Until oaf-slay is no longer useful we need
a hack here.) 

The Real Fix is quite difficult, and I doubt anyone will do it in
stable branch (I haven't even seen signs in unstable), so the hack is
realistically needed.

Better lame hack ideas are welcome.


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