Re: The state of our web site and standards

> How many people run a validator on sites they go to? I would imagine a
> VERY VERY small minority.

I go around filing bugs at people whose sites dont validate when I have 
connections with them (I'm currently having discussions with the RH web

> So basically, I think having a standards compliant website, while nice,
> isn't all that important, and there's far more important things to do
> with the website. It's definatly not "an embarassment" or whatever Telsa
> claimed it was.

Actually now the gnome foundation is officially created in California one 
thing that should be checked is how californian disability access law 
affects them and sites they notionally manage.

With the only way I got rid of the 'obscure browser x messes
up on your site' was to make it validate. It took a couple of hours and it
looked the same before and after

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