Re: Questions

jwhite sonic net (2001-05-21 at 1830.20 -0700):
> graphics or multi-media production on a command line, but why can a lot 
> of people get certain kinds of work done more quickly at a command line 
> if they're used to it than in a GUI?

Cos in the end, there will be the command line. ;]

Seriously, change the cryptic CLI shells to a natural languaje one and
make it smarter (artificial inteligence), and you get what people will
be able to use quickly cos it will be like giving orders to another
person, but machine based so it is targeted at repetitive and boring
tasks: "Machine, process my mail, do a resume of it and also show me
titles of all work messages" (and that via voice or keyboard, whatever
user wants / can).

Well, now back to what we have, CLI and GUI with stupid computers.


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