run-program window

Hello all,

I've coded a little run-program helper (something like KDE's ALT+F2
window) -- provides pretty nice completion, CTRL+Enter runs the command
in a terminal, CTRL+Enter without a command starts a terminal, etc..

I was thinking maybe we could include it in Gnome distribution, ofc if
you think it worths it.  The advantage over the standard run window is
that it can be used with only the keyboard -- can be mapped to a key
combination, a small window appears, and user can type the command using
the TAB completion, similar to bash and hit Enter to run it.  Opposed,
the usual run-program window isn't much help if you don't wanna use

If anyone wants to check, it can be found at:


If you have any problems to compile (and it's possible since it's a
weird combination between C and C++) -- please mail me.


/*   -*- Mishoo -*-         In the beginning there was nothing,
 *  mishoo websci ro      which exploded.   (The Big Bang Theory)  */

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