Re: Possible New User Interface Design Directions

liam holoweb net (2001-05-03 at 1811.18 -0400):
> > 2. Frames Interface Scenario
> >
> there are already window managers that work this way.

Desktops and viewports (or whatever name you use) do it, more or less,
just that windows do not cover all screen by default. I use them to
organize my windows by tasks, and I am happy (to the point that I am
unable to work fast without them ;] ).

Can you test this already existing method and compare it to your idea?
BTW, the frames thing is what Inferno uses, no? And other X wm have
copied it, as Lee says. Maybe it is just discovering what parts you do
need to join or retouch (less work than starting from scratch).

> For me, if I'm in gimp (not PhotoShop, it's not Free :-) ) I might well
> want all 1280x1024 pixels available to me. When I switch to dia to draw
> a diagram, I want a sizeable area to draw in.  But I want to keep my
> IRC window up at all times, so I can see if someone has aswered my
> question about programming.

Same here. I use stick to viewport / desktop for that, or partial
stick (the window appears in desktops A, B and D, but not C, ie).


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