A question of themes

I have a question (or two) that has been bouncing around in my head for the
past few days...

Is there a gnome/gtk theme generator?  If not, why?  and if so, where is
it?   Very often I f=pick a theme and then go, "OH dang it, they use
diamonds for radio buttons" or whatever... why can't we make our own, kinda
like in the windows world?  In windows, or Mac, you can define all of your
colours, etc.  In the GTK world, you would have to add the functionality of
what kind of buttons (radio, checkboxes, etc) that you use, but I don't see
that as being difficult...

To further the idea, I was thinking about the icons idea I had a while
back:  not only could you define your theme, but also how the icons look.
Why not make all of the icons render through gimp.  Then, have parameters
that you can change for each icons:  the perspecitive (flat, tilted, etc.),
light source (top, bottom, left, right, etc.), staturation, effects/filter
(neon, crystal, etc), etc. etc.  So basically, all artists would have to do
is make FLAT icons with NO perspecitve, shadows, etc, and then let gimp
render out the USER defined icon when they first see it.  So, instead of
having a desktop full of mis-matched icons that give an uneven aesthetic
view, one could have all of their icons LOOK the same, have the same looka
dn feel.  An important part of the Macintosh illusion is that the light
source is always in the same place, the icons all have  a similar look, etc.

Just wondering...

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