Re: For a GUI that is easier to use

I agree as well.  Just think of the integration between programs which
adopt a similar strategy, we might be able to save some time in
accomplishing our work.  Not a bad thought, great idea!!


adam kramer wrote:
>  i agree with robert on designing the ui around tasks. I have just been
> listening in so far, but I'd like to point everyone to a really helpful
> shareware book on UI design, TASK-CENTERED USER INTERFACE DESIGN by
> Clayton Lewis and John Rieman. You can download at:
> -ak.
>  > To put it in simpler terms, I wish the GUI of a
> > computer to be "task-oriented" instead of
> > "program-oriented". A user-interface should presents
> > to the users the "what's" (what the computer is
> > capable of doing) instead of the "how's" (how to do
> > such things). I envision that such a system will have
> > the system menus (namely the "Start" menu in Windows,
> > or the main menu in "Gnome") to be full of verbs
> > instead of nouns. We can have a "Check" menu with
> > "E-mail" and "Stock-quote" sub-menus, "Write" menu
> > with "E-mail" and "Check" sub-menus, "Buy" menu with
> > sub-menus with all the things you can buy. Also,
> > imagine that installing software on a computer is
> > really installing new capabilities of a computer
> > (teaching the computer new tricks). I care more for
> > what a computer can do and less for what software a
> > computer has.

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