Re: Scrollbar buttons (suggestion)

On Mon, Jan 01, 2001 at 06:18:20PM +0100, KVASNICP gjr cz wrote:
> When you use a scrollbar button and want to scroll in opposite direction,
> you have to move the mouse to the oppossite end of the scrollbar;

> the 'KDE Default' Qt widget style solves this by adding another button
> on the same end of the scrollbar.
I think the NeXT did this too.
Another approach tried in the past is putting the arrows on the part of
the scrollbar that moves. Then you generally want the UI to move the mouse
pointer as the scrollbar moves, while you scroll; some people dislike this.

> I think that better solution would be
> to utilize right mouse button, which is currently unused with gtk scrollbars.
The right mouse button works the same as the middle one for me in
gnome-terminal's scrollbar, letting you drag the elevator.

>   Also have a look at gv, it uses the middle button to scroll/drag anywhere
> in the scrollable lists/views. As the middle button is  mostly unused
> in GNOME appliactions, it would be very nice to have this.

Middle button pastes in terminal windows.

I have used a terminal emulator and editor in which control-dragging in
the main window panned/scrolled and I liked it.  Control-shift-drag went
faster.  It used the left mouse button, leaving the right one for a
pop-up menu.  (that was an early version of tcl/tk and tx/mx).

For a long time user interfaces have been stuck in a rut of trying not
to confuse Windows users.  I think that's a mistake.  But changes need
to show clear advantages, too.


Liam Quin - Barefoot in Toronto - liam holoweb net -
author, The Open Source XML Database Toolkit, Wiley, August 2000
Co-author, The XML Specification Guide, Wiley, 1999

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