Re: Menu guidelines updated

Calum Benson <calum benson sun com> writes:

> So, I guess two wider questions are (i) should Save have any effect on
> the Undo buffer,

I do not think so.  I've found it very useful in Emacs to have an undo
buffer exist past save.  With the stability of much of today's
software, many people develop a very frequent save reflex (when
working in word, I save approximately every paragraph), and losing the
ability to undo after that would be bad.

>  and (ii) should the (recent) Undo history actually be saved with a
> document, so that when you reload the document later you can still
> undo changes (afer, dare I say it, a crash, for example?)

Good question.  WordPerfect does this, and has support problems with
people wondering why their documents are always getting larger, even
when they delete stuff.  Word's fast save is also similar to this in
some respects, and we've seen that's a security nightmare: it's very
much too easy to leak sensitive information when the document stores a
history of changes.  

If you could divorce the undo buffer file from the document file, it
should be ok, because naively forwarding a document to someone else
would be safe.

Alan Shutko <ats acm org> - In a variety of flavors!
If it ain't baroque, don't phiques it.

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