Re: Menu guidelines updated

> I think we need to look at where power users are currently used to 
> seeing this option. I think that is usually directly below the save 
> options.

How "power users" are used to it matters very little to me.  A real power
user knows the series of key-commands to hit to execute it without the
mouse at all -- I have a set of perfectly valid reasons -- debate those

> No way. 'Revert' is a term that is aleady widely know in the computer 
> world for this function. 

Please cite the study that shows that _any_ users know how to use the
revert function in their software.  I would bet you that most copies of 
Word 2000 don't even have the revert function displayed (since they
eventually hide unused menu options).

> Using something else in this case, 
> since 'Revert' is relatively accurate, would actually just make Gnome 
> LESS usable.

You've made no point except "maintain status quo because I like it."
Please cite reasons and examples to support leaving an option alone that
I believe is both incorrectly placed by usage and improperly labelled by
Michael T. Babcock
CTO, FibreSpeed

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