Re: Gimp-style menus

Mike Newman wrote:

> The Gimp (and other graphics/DTP apps using) take this to the ultimate
> extent of saying "everything you can do with this image, you do by right
> clicking", but most programs will not need to approach the menus in this
> way. In my own code I use right click menus to expose features which are
> common enough to make moving the mouse to the toolbar, dropping down a
> menu or hitting accelerators a hassle.

I would agree by stating this differently:

The Gimp should have _actions_ available as right-clicks, as well as most
frequently needed image-related options.  Anything else that's menu based
(especially if it opens another window) should be in a menu tied to that
image.  The whole reason we (non-Mac OSs) use local menus is because the
user is able to relate the menu that is visible to the Window to which it
is attached. File, View, Script-Fu, etc. would make great menus at the top
of a Gimp image (making it more consistent within Gnome applications as

Michael T. Babcock (PGP: 0xBE6C1895)

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