RE: Hi all

Le sam, 09 sep 2000 19:09:11, Tom Musgrove a écrit :
> Kevin wrote
> > 3. When Macs (and Windows) start up a program, the mouse
pointer has the
> > sand timer come up or a watch had rotating.  When I've
shown GNOME to
> > first time users, that's what they first ask, "Is the
program started?"
> > A task bar should be "initialized" to show the "startup"
of the program
> > until it is ready to be used.  This should be a two step
process: task
> > bar is initiated and is "unuseable" until the program is
ready, then it
> > should be like normal task bars.
> Better would be to launch a splash screen immediately, so
that they know the
> program is starting, the hour glass is too subtle for some
novice users
> (hence they click on the icon 30 times and launch 30
copies of the program).
> I seem to recall someone mentioning that KDE 2.0 does

Unless there is a general control-center option (respected
by all apps) to disable splash screens the answer is no.

I hate splash screens I Hate Splash Screens I HATE SPLASH
SCREENS they are bad Bad BAD.

The day Gnome apps start to use them (nautilus anyone ?)
I'll stop using gnome. And I won't be alone.

And BTW I don't really see the point of hourglasses in a
multitasking environment. And talking about them when the
current mouse pointers status in sawmill is so broken is
IMHO pointless.


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