Re: common menu bar

> > Besides elimiting the redundency of a menu bar per application, I
> > think some nice things for window management could be done, such as
> > a "Bring all to Front" menu item that is done in the Aqua UI. How
> > this would work is, say you were using the gimp (I know the gimp
> > isn't a GNOME app, but bear with me), this item would bring all your
> > gimp windows to top.
> That would be nice, but I'm not sure there's any way all Gimp windows
> are marked as belonging together - and if there was, there's no reason
> you need a global menubar for that.
> Maybe something with the WM_CLASS...

There's no reason for a global menubar, but it's an similar
mechanism. "bring all to front" helps the user in working object
centric. You choose your object (e.g. an picture) and all associated
tools come up. The menubar is an toolbox like other symbols, too. And
in an similar way the global menubar must recognize, that an new
window is active and which window it is, the other associated "symbol
applets" can recognize, that they have to come up. So if anybody would
do the job to make an global menubar, he could think of it in that
more general way. (Perhaps it means some work in the wm.)

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