RE: A call to action

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Arlo Rose [mailto:arlo eazel com]
> Jorg Rathlev said:
> > MS gives guidance about UI design to developers, they've 
> published a book
> > called "The Windows Interface Guidelines for Software 
> Design". It's actually
> > not a bad book - though the Apple guidelines are slightly better.
> I apologize for not responding to this thread earlier, but 
> I've been busy
> with a design disaster of my own.

Arlo, thanks for getting back to us, I was worried that you'd been consumed
by work or some other evil creature.

> As soon as I have more time, I'll begin to publish the 
> chapters as I finish
> them as a retrofit of the current GNOME UI Guideline document 
> checked into
> CVS (which I maintain, but have yet to touch since becoming 
> maintainer.)

Great!  I'm certainly looking forward to seeing it.

> Sadly, there's too much for me to do getting Nautilus 1.0 
> into shape at
> Eazel to focus on general GNOME UI issues, but I guarantee in 
> the coming
> months I'll rectify that and become far more involved.

So, until you can get to helping everybody with the UI guidelines, are there
any nautilus UI issues that you need some help with?  I'm still trying to
work my tiny coup de ta within Evolution, but I don't appear to have quite
the skills required to convince the developers to fix things.

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