RE: A call to action

> I think it's not only about GNOME GUI, but what about Star Office as
> well?  Where is GNOME Foundation going since SO is suppose to use GNOME
> stuff? I just subscribed to the Openoffice mailing list and I think we
> should get together with them to see how this can work.

The way I read SO's docs is that some of its components (such as a charting
tool, equation editor) will be bonobozied and will be available for use in
other open source projects.  It doesn't look like they will make SO _itself_
use bonobo, though.  You might want to check with them to make sure on that
though.  I also just downloaded SO, and I didn't really like its ui at all.
We need a complete open-source office suite using gtk (SO doesn't) that has
a resonably fast loading time.

> The question is: What do we need to do first?  Has anyone done this? Or
> is it the programmers only who are working?

Gauging response on this list, I was planning to bring something up the the
nautilus and gnome-dev mailing lists.


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