RE: User interface suggestions

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, David Grega wrote:

> Okay, let me try to ease up your confusion.
> Grayscaled images (as generally referred to in the programming community) 
> generally take an outline of the icon, paint it in white and all other 
> parts of the icon in dark gray.  What I'm talking about is simply taking 
> the color out of the image and making it into black and white (like 
> watching a TV program in color on an old black and white TV - or if you set 
> the color on your TV to the lowest setting).  The latter is what I call 
> "uncolored".

Oh, that was exactly my idea... If you see at the suggested images
(for desktop & applications), low used icons are in "black and white"
(=uncolored=grayscaled :), most used ones are in color, and disabled ones 
are "whited?" (which can be in color or uncolored too, depending of the
level of use). Now I'm sure, it has been a misunderstanding... :)  Tnx


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