Re: Testing & A Suggestion :)

On Sat, Nov 25, 2000 at 07:17:19PM +0100, Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero wrote:

> 1152 * 864 screen here, but panel autohide set to 1 pixel. I also use
> shade over for some windows, so the wasted space is minimal. Are my
> settings weird? Maybe, but they work for me, and also demostrate that
> defaults are never always good for everyone (just for some users, if
> well done a lot of users) and that users should try weird things if
> they feel the need so coders should allow weird things (setting a
> small limit would disallow what I do). I can pass URL of photos of how
> my settings look if anybody want.

Theres nothing really weird here. you're just an advanced user. I'd
venture to say that your settings are uncomfortable for some less
experienced users. we're trying to make gnome more accessible,
remember? But lets not bring up the 'usability-of-linux-by-a-beginner'
issue here, or we'll cook a storm.

> Yes, I see your point, but you also moved the problem to the "this
> kind of app has too many windows" level. BTW, 23 NS are not silly with
> all those "silly" web boards (instead of mailing lists or newsgroups)
> I have opened over 50 trying to read lot of posts in a single 3 minute
> call (it was in Windows, where NS behaved acceptably... but you can
> apply to other things, like lots of xterms, I know people that open a
> lot, I open over ten sometimes). See, my local UI has to solve other
> UI problems (sad but true).

Yeah - it's a royal pain for having lots of NS's - but how do you
propose to fix this?
	Change the windowing system, or change the indexing system? We
can't really do the first (can we?) so improving the indexing is good
for me.

> Yep. For me I would keep it to never use menus. For default, I guess
> that as soon as the buttons become unreadable, they should convert to
> one button and menu per family, adding some kind of arrow (pointing
> where?) or drop widget decor (reactangle sometimes, varies with theme)
> or "..." (abused, already in menus if you set them to use that) to
> show they are now multiple items all in one.

I'd say having the name of the application, some sort of Arrow/specia
character, and a number indicating how many entries there are for that
> Desktop with names? I set mine to plain ordered words, but you can set
> them to things like "Terms" or "Netscapes". BTW, difficult for you,
> not for me (I guess I never put my brain in "no gear"). :]

It's not a 'no gear' thing - it's a disuse thing. I sometimes spend
4-5 hours coding in 2 viewports - and then you expect me to remember
which place I put my irc client? comeon :) 

Anyway, I've emailed tigert gnome org (listed as the author of the
TaskList)  asking about this additional feature - hopefully should hear back from
him soon. 

Ok, off. 

Robert Schonberger robsc cse unsw edu au
2nd Year Software Engineering Student	Computing 1A tutor
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The greatest griefs are those we cause ourselves.
		-- Sophocles

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