Re: scroll bar and drop down list usability

"Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero" wrote:
> Ken Fox wrote:
> >It's a shame that xterm popularized paste for the middle button. If we
> >had pie menus (and gesture events) the right button could easily support
> >both copy and paste. Anyways, IMHO it's better to follow C-C and C-V
> Ooops! Serious problem, ^C normally means send term signal to process. I
> know that you can redefine shell keys, but not funny (not viable, not
> compatible?). :[

And C-V normally means page down... ;) But that's only normal for my
particular world view which is *much* different than the majority of
computer users (though maybe not for programmers). I agree that
terminal emulation windows deserve special treatment. However, I'd
also like to think they are legacy interfaces that shouldn't dictate
the development of the rest of the interface.

IMHO, cut and paste are important enough to have named keys on the
keyboard. Why we have "Scroll Lock" and "Esc" but not "Paste" is totally
mysterious to me.

- Ken

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