Re: Suggestion for multiple document programs

On dim, 25 jun 2000 18:18:56 Guillermo S. Romero / Familia
Romero wrote:
> >This results in another problem: Everybody of you made
the experience
> >(especially with Netscape) that the task bar is becoming
overcrowded. In the
> >end you only see the Netscape icons. The description is
> Have you ever used multiple desktops or virtual screen
(not the XFree thing,
> but the wm one)? It solves a lot of problem about this,
cos you organize
> windows as you want.

However I *do* like the idea of clicking on a single
netscape entry in the taskbar an getting a menu with the full names
of all the netscape windows (if there is more than one
netscape window, of course). Netscape window titles are too long to
fit in anything else than a menu or tooltip, and I'm not too
fond of fishing the netscape taskbar entries to find the
right tooltip. A popup is the right thing to do, I think.


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