Re: Suggestion for multiple document programs

>This results in another problem: Everybody of you made the experience
>(especially with Netscape) that the task bar is becoming overcrowded. In the
>end you only see the Netscape icons. The description is covered.

Have you ever used multiple desktops or virtual screen (not the XFree thing,
but the wm one)? It solves a lot of problem about this, cos you organize
windows as you want.

>Since all the "main" windows are handled by one program, why is it necessary
>to show more than one icon in the taskbar?

Cos each is a window. ;]

>Oh, because otherwise it is impossible to access a certain window. What
>would happen if we always open only the last used window of a program or, if
>requested, a popup window with a window list (of the choosen program).

First, people do not have to go to last used window, specially if you have
four browsers viewing different sites and you are reading one while other
loads, for example.

Second, popup is a solution, but I can tell you that I will get a really big
popup. And IIRC, the pager already has that (or the old one had).

I would preffer tooltips that show the full name of that windows that have
it too big (with a configurable delay).

And that the vertical tool bar is fixed so it works like the old one did
(multicolumn). [Yes, my config looks mad... but works... I should do some

>Please CC mails to since I have not subsribed these
>mailing lists.

Please suscribe... and remove the damn winmail.dat attach.


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