SV: User interface suggestions

Linux and Gnome is about to make a breakthrough
in mil-systems. No, it's not a joke. Yesterday
I talked to people from one of the worlds largest
firms in that business. They even redesign systems
ported to WinNT from Unix. Really strange..

One mil research site which is heavilly involved
in design and implementation of future systems
converted to WinNT from Unix (mainly HPUX), just
to find themselves on a path to Linux.

One quote "You have to prove scalability
and portability at lowcost, so you use cheap wintel
hardware and tries out a couple of OS'es; Win95, WinNT
QNX, Solaris and Linux. The winner is always Linux."

It seems like what's happening is that people use
cheap wintel hardware, tries Linux and get stuck.

Some of the systems out there, and systems about to
be fielded, they are .. Shit, this is like Terminator
goes Linux!

John ;)

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