Re: Copy-Paste between filemanager and document editor

Liam Quin wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 21, 2000 at 08:00:51PM -0600, Dylan Griffiths wrote:
> > What Microsoft did right there, and most users ignore, is make the drag-icon
> > different based on the default operation.
> This came from the open look ui specification, and before that I suspect
> the Xerox Star.
> Unfortunately, by the time you are dragging, if you are moving, it's
> too late to change your mind.  This destroy the principle of safe
> experimentation.

It's not too late (with the Windows implementation, at least)... the
keyboard modifiers remain active throughout the drag.  So if you start a
move by mistake and realise you really wanted to copy, you can start
holding down Ctrl after the drag has started, and it will become a
copy.  And vice-versa if you release the Ctrl key again.

Or you can just hit Esc, which will cancel any drag operation and let
you start again.


Calum Benson               Tel: +353 1 819 9771
Usability Engineer         Fax: +353 1 819 9078 
Sun Microsystems Ireland

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