Re: Tab as completion shortcut

Alan Shutko wrote:
> > We need to unify our text shortcuts around a standard.  Since we have about
> > 300million people familiar with the Windows shortcuts, I think we should
> > stick to those with the additions of proper handling of extended keys (and
> > the shift+delete style of clipboard handling).
> I'll go with this provided we make one, little change:
> No Alt-F4!  I _like_ C-q!

So?  I like Alt+F4, just like how I like being able to get a window's system
menu by hitting alt+space.  But I use IceWM, aka the only WM which is fast
and has a proper amount of keyboard shortcuts.

It should be a choice.  We should have a central keyboard shortcut
repository, with two inbuilt configs -- one Windows, one Emacs -- with a
default of Windows.  That'd ease the transistion to Gnome of Windows users,
and let those weird Emacs people use their wacked-out shortcuts >;-)

-- -- technology and culture, from the trenches.

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