Tab as completion shortcut

Rikard Anglerud wrote:
> > > Given that all the tab combinations are generally needed for other
> > > tasks, the most promising suggestion for a suitable key combination
> > > is <ctrl>+<space>.
> >
> > You know, it would be nice if the keystroke was user-specifiable.  I
> > just realized that I'd really like M-/ as a completion keystroke
> > (since it matches an Emacs completion method) but I realize that
> > probably wouldn't be good for most people.
> >
> Bash uses Tab for autocompletion. I think that would be a good key to use,
> as it doesnt seem to bother anyone. (even if it _is_ a valid filename
> chcracter).

Yes, it bothers. See previous recent messages to this list. Tab is in
GUIs used to cycle the focus between widgets. I don't think that making
the file dialog behave entirely different than all other dialogs in that
aspect is a good idea.

Also, almost all Tab key combos are "taken" as standard key combos for
cycling between windows or widgets in different ways etc, which is the
reason why there was a common feeling for scrapping a Tab key combo
altogether and use something different.
Ctrl + space turned out to be a good and different key combo example, as
the only drawback appears to be that noone has heard about it before or
knows it from some other UI, which is both good and bad (good in the
sense that we won't interfere with other behavior, bad in the sense that
users have to learn a new combo).


Christian Rose               

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