Re: File dialogs: an attempt at a summary

Dylan Griffiths wrote:
> Fabrice Colin wrote:
> > Yep. But the application should be able to specify the list of file
> > types
> > it supports, so that the user can select one. This obviously would
> > appear only in the Save dialog box.
> But why?  The program KNOWS what format it'll be writing it in.  Why have
> the user specify it when the program already knows it?  In the case of The
> Gimp, it needs it if you use Save As or Save on a non-typed file because
> graphics can export to many types.  But most programs work with precisely
> one type of data.  Then it's ambigous.
That's exactly my point. Sorry not to be more specific (I am still a bit
If the application supports multiple formats and needs the user to
one, then these should appear in the dialog box.

> > > I always thought that the dir treeview + file listview would be enough..
> > My 2p on the subject : I don't mind having two views. I would also
> > like to be able to choose having dirs and files in the same view
> > plus options like "Display dirs first" and "Mix files nd dirs".
> They're not combined like you seem to imply.  This is not Windows.  We have
> the directory treeview and the file listview as separate widgets that
> communicate via message passing.
This isn't what I implied, Dylan. This is why I say that the possiblity
having dirs and files in the same view (and therefore one widget) would
be nice. So basically, one could choose (in the Control Panel) either :
- two views (= two widgets)
- one view (as it's the case currently) with
   - dirs first and then files, both separately sorted in alphabetical
   - dirs and files mixed, ie the whole lot sorted
Hope it's clear now ;-)

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