RE: First UI component needing replacement.

> You're making the assumption that everyone knows that a highlight is the
> selection indicator.  You're also making the assumption that those people
> like that.  I'm assuming that millions of people will use a computer this
> year for the first time and they don't care what a highlight is until
> they're told to care.  Lets work with new metaphors where they are more
> useful.

You're making the assumption that everyone knows how a checkbox works, which
is not as obvious as you might believe.

For example, I seem have a different expectation about how checkboxes and
selections are supposed to work - IMHO, they exist for different tasks. A
checkbox is used to toggle something between two states - active/disabled or
whatever. A selection is used to select something in order to issue further
commands that in some way refer to the selection. I know that this model is
broken by many apps, especially by web sites which lack the select ability
so they use checkboxes instead, but still I think that's how it *should*


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