Re: First UI component needing replacement.

On Mon, Aug 14, 2000 at 01:59:58AM -0600, Dylan Griffiths wrote:
> > One of the most frustrating limits currently in (almost??) every file
> > open dialog I've seen is the limitation placed on opening multiple
> > files.  You are always limited to multiple files in the current
> > directory.
> I cannot think of many (any?) situations in recent memory where I've had to
> open multiple files.  If I have, I think I would just open a file manager,
> highlight the files, and hit enter and watch *it* do all the opening work.

I do it all the time. The last command I entered at the command line
was "xmms win/music/full_tunes/*.mp3 &". I do the same with The Gimp
and NEdit as well, even closing The Gimp and running it again just to
open another set of files. A file open dialog must support selecting
multiple files.

> > Should we consider merging the tree style pane (which I think is very
> > nice) with the file pane to create a system where multiple files from
> > different directories can be opened.  When saving, you would simply
> > select the directory you wish to save to and off you go.

The Mozilla-style single tree view should be one of a set of possible
views. So the set would be something like: Mozilla style, dual pane
(Dylan style), single pane (Windows style). The latter two would also
have options for large icons, small icons, details, etc.

I very much like the idea of including the Mozilla-style view into the
dialog. My only concern is that it often gets very long, requiring a
large window or lots of scrolling. But if it's optional, and if the
window can be resized (and stay resized) it shouldn't really be a

> Save all to this directory?  That sounds like an application level
> modification (it'd still have to prompt for names for those that don't have
> names).

I think you've misunderstood what Rodd's saying here. All that's being
said is that the Mozilla-style view makes sense for saving as well as
opening. Not that it can save multiple files.

So it'd be: select a file or directory in the tree, the name would
appear in the text box, the user would edit the name to whatever was
required and hit ok.

> > If I'm not making myself clear (I don't think I am yet ;-] ) the best
> > example I can think of is the ftp mode in the new mozilla.  So, if you
> > can, check it out.  When you ftp a site it displays a list of
> > directories at the ftp site.  If you click once on a directory, it opens
> > the directory displaying the contents.  If you double click the
> > directory, it makes that directory the new foundation for the tree
> > view.  You can open multiple directories in a single window viewing the
> > contents of all directories at the same time.  It's quite a nicely
> > thought out system, which (could) allow you to select multiple files to
> > open, and also would make sense when saving files to.  It involves a
> > single pane view (instead of one for tree and one for a single
> > directory) and whilst it would be different to what we are used to, it
> > has some distinct advantages.
> Yes, but is that really what we need?  99% of file operations with the
> common file dialog are opening ONE file, or saving to ONE directory.  I'd
> rather not spend 80% of my time working to support a 1% special case, thanks
> :)

I assure you that opening multiple files is more than 1%. And I really
don't think implementing a Mozilla-style view would take a vast amount
of developer time. (Ok, I'm saying this safe in the knowledge that I'm
not going to be that developer. :) )

> > This would also create a single, consistent view for all actions
> > involving files (saving or opening) and would make navigation throught
> > the file system simpler as you wouldn't need to switch between panes so
> > much.
> > 
> I'm not convinced that this could be done easily, if at all.  Nor am I
> convinced that it even makes sense.  Sorry :(

With all due respect I get the distinct impression that you don't know
what you're talking about here. Use of the mozilla-style view would
make perfect sense when opening files, and, used correctly, I believe
it could make sense for saving as well. Get yourself the M17 build and
start browsing your hard disk with it. 


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