Re: First UI component needing replacement.

Ken Fox wrote:
> All characters except nil (\0) and "/" are legal file characters
> on Linux. I don't know about Windows.

lpt, con, aux, prn, ?, *, space, etc, all illegal and cause nice nasty
bluescreens.  DOS was basically a really crappy Unix kernel with no memory
management, no task mangement, crap I/O, and a lot of CP/M emulation crap.
> And the regexps should not come anywhere near the file *name* field.
> The file name is the area where we build up the *result* of the file
> dialog. Whatever is in that field when I hit OK gets sent to the app.

*That* is not something that is done like you think it is done.

We do not build a complete filename in some non-editable widget (such as a
gtk text label), we simply get the user to a point where they have
highlighted or typed in an existing file before OK will terminate the

-- -- technology and culture, from the trenches.

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