Re: First UI component needing replacement. (2000-08-14 at 0047.31 +0200):
> No support for file names with spaces is a serious bug and nothing else.

I think he did not say "unsupported". But I would say that it would be
a pain to explain that space key works different in text boxes than in
a word processor.

> On the other hand, "?" is used as a wildcard key on both Linux and
> Windows, and isn't a permitted file name character on either of them
> last time I checked. But it should be used for regexps, not for keyboard
> shortcuts, when it's a file dialog that will support regexps eventually.

Unix allows it, tested. Unix allows anything except /. You have to
type "\?".

> > Doesn't it bother you that you can't create a file name with
> > tabs in it? ;)
> Tab isn't a valid filename character. Space is.

Tab is valid (under bash type \ ctrl-v tab), but not very used. Space
is valid and used. I tested all of them. It is funny the garbage you
can put in an Unix like filesystem (sometimes even create problems,
with files named "-something").


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