Re: File dialog (was: Re: First UI component needing replacement.)

Arlo Rose wrote:
> > I think Dylan's point was referring to "file dialog as mini file
> > manager".  Basically, you hit cancel after creating a new directory
> > and the new directory won't go away.
> Sadly, I don't have time to give feedback on the complete proposal (which

Take your time.  I'm not going anywhere.  And if I did, I'm sure I could
still debate the merits of my dialog with people via email just as easily
abroad as from home ;)

> I'm not too fond of) but... when you create a new folder, you should bring
> up an additional dialog where you get to name the folder and cancel the new
> folder operation if you want/need to.

Yes.  The in place operations of Windows Explorer are only good because they
let the user directly modify the file name in an intuitive manner.  Windows
3.1's file manager did a different thing.  It would display a dialog with
two text entry boxes.  They were box editable.  The top would contain the
original file name, and the bottom would be where you were to type the new
file name.  I can't tell you how many times I've seen people rewrite the
name at the top box, with nary a glance at the bottom, and hit ok.. and then
are confused by the results.

The rename and new directory dialogs could use a similar layout (title and a
textbox: either preseeded with the selected item to rename or blank for a
new directory) with OK and CANCEL.  That could be coded easily and cleanly.
> With this behavior it's acceptable to retain the "Cancel" button since we
> stick you in another mode to do the folder creation.

A cancel button within the "New Directory" creation dialog is acceptable,
but one in the main file dialog will make it harder to write, and harder to
use IMO.

-- -- technology and culture, from the trenches.

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