Re: Menus

On Thu, 5 Nov 1998, Tom Vogt wrote:

> where is the user advantage in triming menus? it's not like the usual
> pull-down menu is similiar to the start-menu mess. almost always it's no
> problem that there are three items in there you rarely use.

Well, it does matter to some people. I have helped in building a couple of
public access terminals. If the user does not explicitly need anything
they are not granted it! We want the users to spend as litle time as
possible infront of the machines and leave them in a usable state. That is
why they cannot do anything but view images of documents on the machines.

Now this type of thing is also doable at compile time (install two
versions of whatever program you want and put the correct permisions on
it), but it is preferable if root can just login and turn menuoptions on
or off.

Configurable menus may be something to look at, but I am not going to code
it up. I think that someone who wants it should do a proof of concept
implementation to show that it is feasable. Then we can discuss the merits
of this feature (I like it but don't think it is a high priority (maybe
for GNOME version 2.0 or something).


Martin Wahlén		Sound Foundation Inc.	    tel.    +46 (40) 454136  Ringv. 1                 236 35 Höllviken

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