Re: gnome key binding standard

On Tue, 30 Jun 1998, Guillermo S. Romero / unnamed / Familia Romero wrote:

> First: can someone explain me clearly all the mess of meta, ctrl, alt and so on?
> My keyboard has: alt and altgr and two ctrl. Some keyboards have two Windoze
> and one Menu too (I think it will be cool to get some paint and a penguin or
> X transfer to replace them). I know that you can remap keys. But dunno how
> they are set in my Linux now.
> >> Ctrl+A Edit/Select All
> >> Ctrl+X Edit/Cut
> >I hate that one. x is associated with "exit" to most people, and not at all
> >with cut.
> GIMP (and Mac, IMO) uses ctrl+Q and ctrl+W (one for quit app, the other for
> quit window (document)).
> Keeping cut, paste and copy near helps the users (X is like a scissors
> graphic ;] ).
> >> Ctrl+C Edit/Copy
> >> Ctrl+V Edit/Paste
> >> Ctrl+F Find
> >> Ctrl+Z Edit/Undo
> >> Ctrl+Y (?) Edit/Redo
> >I think u and r are used more often for undo/redo on unix, no? it's also
> >much easier to remember.
> Maybe, no personal preferences here (Z is near the cut-copy-paste block, so
> maybe faster to use, but U is more easier to remember). ctrl+Z & ctrl+Y are
> taken from GIMP, are they not? Using shift is also interesting.

	I'm working on a large email with lots of other comments, but if
the keyboard shortcuts are being decided on now, don't forget to add:

Ctrl-Insert Copy
Shift-Shift Paste

	Those have been working on every DOS and Windows machine since the
beginning and even emacs and xterm support them.


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