Re: [failure notice]

> > Berin Loritsch <> wrote:
> > > What I like (this would be in addition to, not instead of MC) would be
> > > based on "The Brain" by Natrificial Software.  You can check out the
> > > web page at to see what I mean.  It is Windows
> > > software, but it is an example of how an alternate user interface can
> > > just feel right.  
> > 
> > I have just taken a good look into that and it looks really cool. I dl a
> > copy in the background right now and will look at it to find out what it
> > really is all about.
> > 
> > if this works as good as it promises, it would be a cool idea for a nome
> > project. my suggestion (wild idea of the moment) would to use this app
> > in the ROOT window. with a button somewhere on the panel to hide all
> windows.
> > that way it would always be there in the background, not as on the
> screenshots
> > where it takes away half the screen space.
> > 
> > anyone else interested in this thing?
> > 
> Of course, I am! I think the root window placement is the perfect place
> for it (I was thinking that from the beginning).  Keep in mind, that it's
> current incarnation is only good at thought organization.  It would
> require some changes to both avoid patent infringement, and to make it
> more usable as a file browser on steroids.  The current version is a good
> start.  When I was fleshing out my ideas, I was thinking in terms of Star
> Trek (Calling the "plex" a NaviCom and the work area a TactiCom).  If you
> want a copy of my brain, I can send it to you.  You can't alter it, and
> I can't remove the irrelevant parts of it (my trial version expired).
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> "If you're lusting for ham and eggs, you've already
> committed breakfast in your heart." -C.S. Lewis
> ----------------------------------------------------------

"If you're lusting for ham and eggs, you've already
committed breakfast in your heart." -C.S. Lewis

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