Re: 'About' versus 'About...'

Bruce Dodson wrote:


> Hmm.  Let's not use MS products as examples any more.

<laugh> thanks for the input, bruce. what about it kids, shall we try to
nail down this relatively small corner of the style guide? i'll try to
state concisely what seems to make the best sense so far:

Menu items that open dialogs which require additional user information
shall indicate it with a "..." after the label; however, menu items that
open dialogs which only display information shall not. Further, all
dialogs which require additional user information shall include a
"Cancel" button which shall exit the dialog without making any changes
to the application or document.

Examples: the "Save As" menu entry should actually look like "Save
As..." and the "About" menu entry in the "Help" menu should just read

(stolen & doctored from the current style guide)
"Whoever saves one life saves the whole world in time." --Talmud

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