Bunch of small icons for you


I hope this is the right list, and I'm allowed to post here =)

Anyway: I've made some little (30x20) icons from scratch, and if
you can imagine any use to them, fine. I think they'd be fine to
filemanager, directory-tree-widget or something like that. One
place to see them (or similar icons) used would be filerequester-
widget, where 'delete file', 'rename file' and 'create dir' take
awful lot of space. Feel free to use them any way you like in the
gnome/gtk-project, and if they are useful, ask me for more.

The icons are tiffs, and fetchable from
gnome-small.gif is a preview of all the icons. They are made
with minimum amount of colors, as some of us still use
256-color palettes =)

All the best,


tomi.sarvela@iki.fi  Ideas and thoughts expressed herein are mine, all mine!
t@nether.tky.hut.fi  An NT server can be run by an idiot, and usually is.

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