Re: actual proposal

-----Original Message-----
From: George <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, August 26, 1998 2:50 AM
Subject: Re: actual proposal

>On Tue, Aug 25, 1998 at 08:54:47AM +0200, Tom Vogt wrote:
>>         "ESC" also has to close the window.
>no ...
>I definately hate apps that close something because I have unfortunately
>pressed esc in a dialog box since I'm so used to vi ... vi is still the
>most popular edit within linux users (according to LJ) ... so bindings
>should at least be vi/emacs friendly ... plus what if the entrybox binds
>esc ...
>what needs to be done is to have this configurable ... and just state that
>there should be a key that closes a window, and make the default something
>that is non agressive towards some group of people ... (say Alt-F4 or
>whatever that windows key was, would be ok)

Escape is a wonderful default to have as a keybinding for both Cancel and
Close.  Configurability?  Sure!   But, and I mean this with all possible
respect...uh, you're using vi to prove a UI point?

I suppose, if feasable, we could expand Keythemes to include whole text
processing patterns, so a user could load up a "vi" theme that would
generalize vi to all text entry mechanisms.  I imagine it'd be inefficient,
but vi could be stdin/stdout patched into the GNOME text widgets...and any
text editor could be shoved in, no less.   "Everything that is consistent
between applications..." and all that junk :-)

George:  Feasability of this?

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