Metaproposal: Default to standard

This may be obvious, but this might not be:

GNOME Apps should follow the GNOME Style Guide.  If the style guide does not
specify appropriate behavior, GNOME Apps should follow established user
interface guidelines on other platforms.

For example, if the GNOME Style Guide was to neglect to use the Macintosh
systems for text selection(single click = move cursor, double click = select
word, triple click = select sentence, etc.), and a GNOME programmer needed
to know what to implement, he or she should implement what the users
expects:  Macintosh style text selection.

This isn't to say that GNOME can't be different.  I'm just saying, if the
GNOME Style wants to be different, it's gotta say so.

That being said, *every single thing* in the Macintosh HCI guidelines should
either be accepted or rejected, and the results of that should be placed in
the GUIG.  That's the difference between producing a complete document, and
just a helper thing.

Yes, this means we should have "what's new in GNOME" descriptors lying

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