Re: PROPOSAL: UISG Notification Sample Length Standardization, Revision 1

> "Bowie" == Bowie Poag <> writes:
> Bowie> o In order for an application to retain its status as "GNOME Compliant",
> Bowie> it must not feature (by default) a notification sample greater in
> Bowie> length than 4 seconds. 
> Please define "notification sample".  What is (and is not) a
> "notification sample"?  Also, a statement of the findings which lead
> to this recommendation would be advisable.


A "notification sample" is something played by an application, which goes
beyond using a simple alert mechanism (a beep, or passing a beep to themes
or whatnot) ..A good example of an app which uses a notification sample
would be something like a Pager, (a real pager, not a workspace switcher)
or an E-Mail Checker. A sample of someone saying "You have new mail
waiting" or the sounds emitted by the pager (again, anything outside of
the boundaries of a simple system beep) can both be thought of as
notification samples.

By default, no GNOME app which seeks to call itself compliant may use a
notification sample longer than 4 seconds. By default, that is. You can
still specify anything you want for yourself later, and be as tacky as you

Im surprised everyone is having such a hard time with this one..Its fairly
cut and dry, in my book.


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