Re: Why cluehunting ?

Dan Effugas Kaminsky <> wrote:
> >eyk! that's one of the worst ever "features" of word - and that means it's
> >really worse. see, I DON'T want the computer tell me "hey dumbass, you
> wrote
> >this wrong" unless I ASK for it's opinion.
> >
> >and new users WILL get confused. wanna bet?
> There's a BIG difference between "grammar is bad" and "a green underline is
> bad".  HUGE HUGE HUGE.

I'm talking about the later, dan. I don't care WHAT the machine is trying to
point out to me. if I want it to take guesses at what I mean, I'll tell it

> Why is it a bad thing for the computer to announce, "By the way, I can help
> you expand this" in a completely non instrusive manner?

because there IS NO "completely non instrusive manner". I know enough people
unfamiliar with word who start wondering "eh, what's that?" when that damn
thing appears for the first time. someone I know - not a dumb person, just
unfamiliar with the concept - was confused enough to stop for several
minutes to find out what he did to cause this funky line to appear. and how
to have it go away.

if I want green lines under my words, I'll tell the machine so. see, I
simply don't want a computer that tries to outsmart me. for every time he's
right, there will likely be 10 times he's just getting on my nerves.

for a more unpersonal objection: the machine should never - and I mean NEVER
- interrupt the users work with anything. in the human-machine relationship,
it should be the human who sets the pace and who decides if it's typing or
spellchecking time.

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
		-- Henry Spencer

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