Re: Why cluehunting ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Vogt <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, August 20, 1998 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: Why cluehunting ?

>Dan Effugas Kaminsky <> wrote:
>> Maybe a green underline under a word would signify the computer thinks it
>> can do better?
>eyk! that's one of the worst ever "features" of word - and that means it's
>really worse. see, I DON'T want the computer tell me "hey dumbass, you
>this wrong" unless I ASK for it's opinion.
>and new users WILL get confused. wanna bet?

Hang on, Tom.

There's a BIG difference between "grammar is bad" and "a green underline is
bad".  HUGE HUGE HUGE.  Functionality good or bad, I know TONS of people who
SWEAR by the grammar, but you don't, fine.  Is the interface the best
possible?  It's close.

Why is it a bad thing for the computer to announce, "By the way, I can help
you expand this" in a completely non instrusive manner?

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