Re: Why cluehunting ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Leareth <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 1998 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: Why cluehunting ?

>Um, cause autocompletion is one of the best things to hit unix.
>Because autocompletion is a large part of why you can't tear longtime
>unix users away from there shell, and ignore gui's as being to slow.
>With autocompletion, a shell is actually quite a bit faster then a gui,
>as most long time linux/unix users will inform you of as soon as you
>sujest they abandon it. Imagin if you could respond to them with "But
>wo DO have autocompletion, embbeded everywhere!".


And to think, this all began as a better method for a run dialog :-)

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