Re: Why cluehunting ?

Um, cause autocompletion is one of the best things to hit unix.
Because autocompletion is a large part of why you can't tear longtime
unix users away from there shell, and ignore gui's as being to slow.
With autocompletion, a shell is actually quite a bit faster then a gui,
as most long time linux/unix users will inform you of as soon as you
sujest they abandon it. Imagin if you could respond to them with "But
wo DO have autocompletion, embbeded everywhere!".

On Wed, 19 Aug 1998, Preben Randhol wrote:
>After browsing through the document I still have the same questions.
>1. Why does this have anything to do with the Gnome-UI
>2. Why must all programs have this function.
>3. Why should I want autocompletion (I for one hate it)
>4. How should it be possible to implement?
>5. Why should a word processor ask something other than ispell about
>   how to spell a certain word?
>6. Have you tried flyspell.el with emacs? (
>Preben Randhol                        The absurd is the essential concept 
>           and the first truth.       -- Camus
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Leareth <>
-- You've got to lose, to know how to win.

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